Esri's Geotrigger Service is replacing Geoloqi! Learn More | FAQ

Geocoding Features

Geocoding & address based search

You can now create a geotrigger rule by providing an address instead of a latitude/longitude.

For example, instead of a coordinate (45.5233, -122.6816), you can just provide "Powell's Books, Portland, Oregon".

Example with cURL:

$ curl -H "Authorization: OAuth YOUR_APPLICATION\_ACCESS\_TOKEN" \ \
       -d "place_name=Powells Books" \
       -d "key=powells_books" \
       -d "type=message" \
       -d "geocode=Powell%27s+Books%2C+Portland%2C+OR" \
       -d "radius=300" \
       -d "text=Welcome+to+Powell%27s+Books%21"

Example with Ruby:

require "geoloqi"

geoloqi_session = => "YOUR APPLICATION ACCESS TOKEN")"trigger/create", {
  :place_name => "Powell's Books",
  :key        => "powells_books",
  :type       => "message",
  :geocode    => "Powell's Books, Portland, Oregon",
  :radius     => 150,
  :text       => "Welcome to Powell's Books!"

The geocoding parameter applies to these API methods:

Reverse geocoding

The Geoloqi API now enriches place information with the city, state and country of the coordinates. For example, if someone enters a geotrigger anywhere in the world, the Geoloqi API now sends the city name in the request instead of just the coordinates. This is accessible via the location/context call.

Example with cURL:

curl -H "Authorization: OAuth 5985-5cf3cb83ab11c9793c683a9c37bbeb3d59003a22" \

Returns the following JSON:

    "locality_name" : "San Francisco",
    "region_name"   : "CA",
    "postal_code"   : "94102",
    "full_name"     : "San Francisco, CA",
    "best_name"     : "San Francisco"